The Passcode application allows the Property Manager to grant access on a scheduled or permanent basis, view dashboard reports of property access history, as well as visitor credentials if needed. The dashboard can provide reporting directly, via automatic email/file drop, or through a customized API solution. With Passcode, there will be no confusion regarding date of entry. This software reads cellular data for date and time with each scan into the property. This is tamper-proof technology – an electronic time and date stamp for your service visits.
Temporary access can be added to a users account or sent via SMS or email. Permanent or long term access can be assigned to a user or a group of users.

Passcode allows full integration capabilities with Investors, Servicers and Field service vendors system of record. This means you are updated instantly when activity happens on your property. Passcode offers accurate analytics, exceptions reporting and progressive trending data as well.
All property records are stored safely in our secure cloud. There is no need to provide internal storage for these records. Your data is safely encrypted in our cloud, and with limitless storage space. You can pre-qualify vendors/visitors prior to giving access.